21.4.2009. Utorak

1. I tried to follow advice "everyday do something that scares you" but it turns out I have commited to face my fears everyday for a month and a half. now, is that smart or plain stupid?
2. "U životu je važno da se puno nauči, da se puno zna i da se ne pogriješi u kancelariji" kaže Iva (6). Sve što trebam znati naučio sam u vrtiću, jel?
3. Bas je bilo inspirativno pricat s Jovanom i shvacat da je svijet premalo mjesto da bi se slicni mimoisli i da nikakvi sastanci sutradan te ne mogu pokolebat.
4. Nedjelja je plakala al ja nisam. Ni-sam!
5. "We are like kids in a play / Set in the Victorian age / We only know what to say / Because we practiced at home/ Or rehearsed on the bus/ Next to kids just like us / Who couldn't help but think we were weird"

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